Marketing 2017: Why Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP HTML) is your most important task this year

When primitive man became a merchant, first thing he realized was to put his most popular items at the front of the cart. He called it “impulse buy.” That continued with store fronts with their most important products in the window.

50,000 years later, in 2017, that continues. It is still the front of the cart or the store window, except today those carts or windows are called Google search.

A Google search placing – top 5 or the rest that follow - is called “SEO” or “Search Engine Optimization.” In April, 2015, Google realized almost 80 percent of all searches were being done via mobile devices so Google added mobile and apps to its “algorithm” for top search results, or SEO.

Then, in February, 2016, Google gave top SEO priorities to apps and websites using something called “accelerated mobile pages,” or “AMP HTML.”

Since 2015 or earlier, Google top search results (SEO) have been how an app and website (even mobile websites) are coded. Some practitioners are still claiming “links” and “blogs” will get you top SEO. It is offered as gospel at many conferences, but links and blogs for SEO are as antiquated as a typewriter or photo processing.

Websites not using HTML 5.0 or higher are put in the back of search results by Google. In 2016, those coded AMP HTML enjoyed the top of any search because marketers were still worried about blogs and links, not current on newest technology (why I have C.I.W. internet marketing credentials). Very few sites were coded AMP HTML.

Even as I was explaining the importance of AMP HTML throughout most of 2016, marketing experts were going, “What’s your source?” Advertising and public relations firms were vested selling outdated blogs and links to customers because that was the gospel they preached since the beginning of the internet age. They added social media. Again, for SEO, the most important factor is CODING.

October, 2016, tech journals woke up to AMP HTML. A well known online advertising agency published a report that all the social media darlings posted. Trouble was, most of the information was inaccurate.

Like those stores and windows, if you are not in the top 5 of anyone’s Google search, you are pretty much like the boxes at the back of the store no one looks at.

Google also gives preference to mobile pop-up and online advertising using AMP HTML. This replaces social media in being in Top-5 search ranking.

That’s why for 2017, you need to incorporate AMP HTML into your marketing strategy. Want more information? There’s a like for contacting me on this page.

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