How social media impacts your SEO Google page ranking

In late January or early February, depending upon who you talk to, Google – the 30 ton gorilla of Internet search engines – changed its algorithms to catch up with social media (21st Century marketing tools) impact on the world.

It was also to fight content farms – the practice of creating multiple websites pointing back to your landing page, or home website.

If you are a company and not actively, and I mean actively, involved with Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, you’re going to lose SEO (Search Engine Optimization, or ranking on Google).

You need to be active on Twitter. Your organization needs to develop Facebook content to get people to like you. More on this in future posts. If you can’t wait for the information, click the call me link on this page.

While almost all public relations and advertising agencies adopted social media divisions in the past year, I’ve been a Marketing Sociologist since 2005, utilizing the latest in 21st Century marketing tools; delivering Internet content since 1984.


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