2011: Year corporate America realized
public relations & advertising dead
quits paying $5,000 month to agencies for interns
Rise of DROID

One of mainstream America's leading public relations experts, Tim Dyson of Next Fifteen, today blogged what 2011 will bring. "Those of us in PR will figure out digital comms and we'll be shocked what it means for us."

Please, Mr. Dyson, don't include me in that "us." I've blogged about 21st Century marketing tools for more than two years now. Two years ago I stated "your next computer will be an iPhone" (before Droids). In 2006 and 2007, while traditional agencies were picking up those lucrative $5,000 per month retainer fees (and servicing accounts with interns); I was being thrown out of offices for saying, "You need a YouTube and MySpace presence."

Today there are half-a-billion Facebook users; 200-million registered Twitter accounts with 36-million tweets per day. Half-a-million SmartPhones are activated daily.

Yet PR firms are still sending press releases to non-existent newspapers, unwatched television news and advertising firms are still making a killing charging clients to place them in YELLOW pages!

As I have said for half-a-decade, if you are not using YouTube, wireless apps, NFC (Near Field Communications) and QR codes, your communications plans and company are headed for Hoover's graveyard pages.

Personally, have been involved with computers and the Internet for more than 25 years. As editor of Dairy Magazine, we were delivering news daily into computers in barns over dialup as early as 1984. Ten years later I was involved in MCI delivering Internet to its business customers in the form of MCI One. Before 2000, was designing pages and paying Yahoo $24 per month to maintain my URL - outrageous today. In 2010, became CIW certified - the bell-weather. While University of San Francisco and other schools just started adding social media certificates, CIW is the daddy of them all.

So what's your communication plans for 2011 look like? For years on this blog there has been a "call me" feature. Pick up the phone, Google is paying for long distance.


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