21st Century marketing
Measuring your pathway
Google is taking over the world
Spotting trends before they happen

A question on Linkedin asks which is better, Vocus or Burrelle Luce for tracking social media (I prefer 21st Century marketing as the correct term).

Now let's dissect that question. First, in the old press clipping era, you knew you were missing 60 percent or more of media mentions. Clipping services rarely got your mentions in cities from Eager, Arizona to Yakima, Washington.

Vocus and Burrelle Luce miss what I mention on my blogs because I utilize Google's Blogger or Blogspot. You can tell the person asking the question is working for a major company. Businesses I deal with are small. I have them use Google Analytics. Let's face it, Google is taking over the Internet world. There's Google alerts,
Blogsearch, a tool few people know about and every person I've told about this is delighted. One author found out she was the most viewed in her genre after I introduced her to Blogsearch.

Thanks to fellow Sonoran resident and Disney star Chelsea Staub, one of my blogs had nearly 100,000 hits in 16 hours after she mentioned it on her Twitter.

Now here's how 21st Century marketing tools help you keep your message on target and make you $$$$. For the past few days at Tween Music, I've been posting about Miley Cyrus, the Hannah Montana show and its stars. Tween Music consistently stays in the top 5 percent of all blogs worldwide. Yet since I've been blogging about Cyrus - she premieres Can't Be Tamed Monday at Los Angeles' House of Blues, does a Nashville benefit Tuesday, the same day Can't Be Tamed drops, and Hannah Montana starts its fourth and final season in July.

Utilizing Google Analytics, and any business can do this, it show readership of my blog dropping. Here's how to spot trends utilizing 21st Century marketing tools. Chelsea Staub=Jonas Brothers, high; Miley Cyrus, numbers fall. Tells me the tween fan base has shifted and Miley Cyrus, even though Can't Be Tamed will be at the top of Billboard charts the first weeks of July, (I'm estimating about 350,000 copies out of the box) has lost her Tween stranglehold. In the entertainment world there's a term for this - NEXT. Just as Hilary Duff had a career as Lizzie McGuire. It appears Cyrus is being passed for new stars, like Justin Bieber (will he be around in a year?).

That's how businesses spot trends using 21st Century marketing tools. You can use it in your business. Use the call me feature on this blog so we can discuss what 21st Century marketing tools can do your business.


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