Living in 5th happiest state
California doesn't rank in top 45
How lame traditional media is
Runs any report or survey

Yahoo is carrying a story of research by some clown from England about the happiest states in the nation. Shows how lame traditional media is. They run any survey without any verification of the data.

Louisiana ranks first. You believe that. They've got Mardi Gras and have so much fun whining about Hurricane Katrina like 20 years after it. Hell, Cancun has rebuilt itself twice in the past seven years.

California, which has beaches and the happiest place on earth, ranked in the bottom five. Must be too far from the English researchers to measure.

I can vouch for Arizona, though. It has the Grand Canyon, the most visited site in North America, and Major League Baseball 10 months a year. Of course we're happy. Our state is $3-billion in debt, we have clowns for politicians and have not had a governor originally elected to office stay the full term since 1975.


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