Tween Music scoops both TMZ & Perez Hilton
Miley Cyrus tour bus crash

People bash 21st Century media, saying it is inaccurate, but today I've gained a new respect for it.

Tween Marketing posted its Miley Cyrus tour bus crash story two minutes before either TMZ or Perez Hilton. This would have counted in old days, but the truth is, we all learned of the accident first via traditional news, or searching Miley Cyrus on Twitter. My first notice was a blog search, not Web, via Google. Yet the original source for most of us was a television station in Richmond, Va.

The new found respect is it took me a half-hour verifying sources. I'm sure TMZ was doing the same thing and probably Perez Hilton. While people say you can't trust new media, we all spent the time to check our facts like any good journalist.

That's more than you can say about today's traditional journalism. As Kent State public relations professor Bill Sledzik points out on his blog, journalists now run any survey story without checking facts. I just saw an Arizona Republic story promoting a dog groomer that was strictly free advertising.

Yet those who grew up in the golden age of journalism refuse to accept media has changed delivery form. It is now Twitter, Facebook, TMZ and Yahoo news, not the New York Times.


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