Hiring social media practitioners
Corporations still don’t “get” 21st Century marketing

As we end the first decade of the 21st Century, recent help wanted ads beckon for social media, search engine marketing (SEM), search engine optimization (SEO), Interactive or Web account experts. About a decade too late.

Companies don’t understand 21st Century marketing. Instead of looking for a Marketing $ociologist who embodies all these traits, plus understanding and building on 20th Century tools, organizations take a stab in the dark, like looking for a needle in the hay. After six months of hiring the new media expert, the company realizes the person and position they hired is not increasing revenue for the organization. It’s not the person’s fault, it is the organization. They don’t understand 21st Century marketing.

As William James said, Any new theory is first attacked as absurd, then it is admitted to be true but obviously insignificant. Finally, it is seen to be so important that its adversaries claim that they, themselves, have discovered it.

Marketing $ociologist is here to advise you on what sort of skills a 21st Century marketer needs and what your organization should be searching for – and how to make the position successful. Contact us now.


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