Company seeking crates of Scotch whiskey
frozen in Antarctic ice
Strippers in Vegas
Marketing genius

Some people are catching on to creating Internet buzz using marketing tactics that aren't so 21st Century, but are creative, thus creating a 21st Century buzz.

Tonight I read about McKinlay & Co. going after a vat of whiskey buried in Antarctic 100 years ago. Hey, who doesn't like a story about 100 year old whiskey? Great public relations gamut. Better than sending out a press release. This was creative.

The other was the strippers in a glass booth rolling along Las Vegas' strip. Even my daughter saw and blogged about it. Trying to get hold of Larry Beard, marketing director at Las Vegas' Deja Vu Showgirls. Larry, if you're reading this, click on the call button. In my book, you're a frickin' marketing genius. Especially that you ended using the truck, ensuring even more world-wide news coverage. Want to do a story on you.


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