Stay current – Tony Hillerman quote
A basic requirement for profit

I just posted about 4G and never explained it was high speed Internet for wireless, or cell, phones.

Recently on one of my blogs I got a comment, What is a Tween, when at the top of the blog it states, Tweens (U.S.) are a $300-billion economic force.

I knew about Miley Cyrus’ current tour in April. It was announced in June. I’ve known about AT&T offering 4G at Christmas-time for a LONG time. I blogged about the economy turning around in February.

What I didn’t know about was Verizon and the Motorola Droid, which I just discovered at Fone Frenzy, information I found via Twitter (you thought it was just for finding out when Pink’s period was).

The late Tony Hillerman, a renowned author and my journalism professor, taught me “stay current.” He passed a year ago this coming Monday at 83; still miss him.

It is time you utilize 21st Century marketing tools for staying current. Wikipedia, Twitter, asking questions on LinkedIn. These are part of the arsenal for educating yourself. Education is life-long. It doesn’t end when you get out of school. Otherwise, you’ll go out and buy the iPhone today and be whining in December that you have a two year contract and there’s a new 4G phone and AT&T wants $500 from you and to extend your two year contract at a higher rate. That’s what happened with the iPhone in June. Just because you’re an idiot and don’t stay current doesn’t mean AT&T needs to change its business model.


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