Social media secrets for making money, wealth, success

Sharing of information is what the Internet is about. Imagine 50-year olds standing around the gym. Talking about women or grandkids? How about Techonorati, Alexa and pinging?

So here’s some secrets you probably know, but if someone makes money from this technique, it is my obligation to share.

First, on Twitter, when you want to know what’s going on and getting two sides of a conversation, go to the SEARCH on the right, not find people, and place @person’stwittername, i.e., @mileycyrus, @jessicasimpson. This will provide both sides of the conversation if you go to the person’s Twitter site. You cannot access messages. Yet there are sites that post every Twitter. Do a search.

Just as this was being written, Twitter seems to have eliminated search and most popular topics. Hopefully Twitter is just updating and will bring back the search and most popular conversations missing at this moment.

Here’s another tip. You Google, Yahoo or Lycos – my favorite is Dogpile. The only way I’ve discovered to search blogs is Haven’t discovered Yahoo or other search engines that offer blog exclusive search like Google. As stated in the first paragraph, this is a sharing facility. If someone knows, please post a comment.

Lastly, you may use RSS feeds, yet you should also be utilizing Google alerts. You can have them delivered to your email daily, weekly or as-it-happens.


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