Two nudes for children to view
Maricopa Community College doesn't learn

Talk about great marketing. The May issue of Paradise Valley Community College's student newspaper, Puma Press, has a front page article, "District reacts to student art display." It is about an exhibit in the corporate, or district, office of the nation's second largest community college district. Seems the district, which is 75 percent female in its professional jobs, had complaints from its female workers about nudes in the art show. The nudes were removed. The article states, "Since the display cases are in uncontrolled common areas and employees can not avoid passing the display cases, the action of removing certain pieces was taken by the District to maintain a certain comfort level for employees, says Tom Gariepy, District director of marketing and communication." Guess they like to capitalize District! "We feel the space (at the District office) is not appropriate for certain types of art," says Gariepy. So what does Paradise Valley Community College do? They have an art display right in front of its library with two nudes, one at least 14 by 20 inches in charcoal. This where children 7-12 walk by every day as part of the college's summer Kids College. Great marketing , PVCC!


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