Quota hiring contributing to depression

Feb. 2009 – As the 21st Century depression deepens; we must look at its origination. A major reason is how companies hire. Instead of seeking the best and brightest without concern for age, gender or race, employers worry about quotas. Employers aren’t looking for creative people who will develop greater revenue streams. It’s all about quotas and possible law suits.

96% of all public relations positions in Phoenix are held by females, more than 80% of those under 40 and almost all Caucasian (this includes Hispanic or whatever label you wish to apply to those of Latin American ancestry).

Women comprised 54% of the workforce in 2005, yet because of Equal Employment Opportunity laws, they enjoy a minority status while unemployment for black males under 25 stands in excess of 30% (this group comprises less than 15% of the workforce). Female-owned businesses enjoy preference in government contracts. If you study EEOC law suits, it usually involves female issues versus employers. Normally not race or age, just female gender, not male. EEOC has an agenda – and it is contributing to the current depression.

Five years before Bluetooth became available, Dave Robinson, director of marketing for SOL Communications, at age 55, predicted cell phones would evolve to an earpiece and possibly a button to talk into; close to Bluetooth in his prediction.

The marketing team of this same company, in its strategic planning, prognosticated the housing bubble burst for 2003 – five years before it actually happened.

When SOL was sold in 2001, the day George W. Bush was inaugurated, Robinson had trouble finding a position in another organization due to his age – something EEOC normally doesn’t pursue because of their female issues agenda. So employers weren’t lining up to take advantage of Robinson’s brilliance; instead hiring females who were fully protected by EEOC. Think of the money these companies missed pursuing quotas rather than brilliance. This is why we’re in a depression.

Here are other ideas companies are missing. Imagine as you approached a billboard, an audio announcement supplementing the billboard blares from your cell phone. As you pass, you receive a text message, perhaps a coupon, to reinforce the billboard.

Why are grocery stores so large with lots of items filling shelves? Why not when you take an item, another item pops up on the shelf? Or you press a button and it is at the checkout counter, packed in bags, and all you need do is pay for it. Sort of like Circuit City did when they were in business. Think of the savings grocery stores would enjoy in space costs if these ideas were implemented.

There are many great ideas employers are missing due to their hiring bias. There is a Native American ready to create great profits for some organization, an 18-year old in Chicago of African-American heritage with the next Internet protocol, a 60-year old public relations practitioner who has worked for some of largest papers in the nation who can bring results rather than an organization hiring that 30-year old female who isn’t doing much each day and calls in sick most Mondays or Fridays.


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