Economic prediction for early 2010
News today catching up to
Marketing $ociologist February blog

With Friday's unemployment numbers, it is painting a new reality for the U.S. economy.

In February, I blogged the economy was recovering. As I've said about news reports, they are usually six months behind. If you watched news in the past three days, you discovered yes, the news media jumped on board with my February post; saying we're in economic recovery.

Unfortunately as the unemployment figures get gloomier, which they are, the economy will fall back into a recession.

Right now, in all reality, unemployment is as high as it was in the worst part of the 20th Century's depression. When the government admits real unemployment is 17 to 18 percent, you can bet it's actually 25 percent.

Since Marketing Sociology is about creating profits, you could have made money since the February post. Right now companies are hiring - thankfully - on reports from other media saying the nation will recover in 2010.

Marketing $ociologist sees us falling out of the recovery mode and back into a recession. This could last well past the 2012 elections. Hope I'm wrong on this. It would be great to have a great economy. Yet when you study cycles, this is similar to the economic collapse of the Reagan presidency.


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